Sunday, 16 December 2007


To all that are reading this and to all families affected by Fragile X. To all those wonderful people working within Fragile X organisations. To all those future friends, who i am going to meet on the road and to all those who have helped me out with the venture, i want to wish you HUGE HUGE heart felt wishes of Major merryness this christmas and i hope 2008 brings you delights unheard of !.... I am working all over the festive season, but will be smiling my head off, willing the new year in, warm with the thoughts of what 2008 will bring on the road from Alaska to Ushuaia..

De aqui en Londres. A todos en America Latina, mi le deseo un Navidad alegre y un prospero ano nuevo !excitado a reunion de usted por mi expedicion en 2008 !