Saturday, 1 November 2008

Colombia - It really is dream land




Santa Barbara - Colombia.

Santa Barbara - Colombia

Paul and his Casa Kiwi Gang. Medellin Colombia. The perfect Hostel. Bikers get discount and paul is no end of help.

Santa Barabara. The town is built on top of a razor sharp mountain.


Coffee bush

Post landslide

This great family i had the pleasure to meet and ride with . 3 up and fast.

oops again
Jose. More pleasures riding with new mates. Supia Colombia
Met this bunch of kids in santa rosa near pereira. intelligent and fun. they were all ears about FXS
Pinapples definatly taste better here !


With the fantastic help of Peter Sohm, Alvaro Uribe and the Aon Office in Medellin, we had an interview and publication in th eColombia newspaper, EL COLOMBIANO. Click to read the online article. I could never thank these amazing people enough !

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